Jumat, 23 Desember 2022






Transfer training is an effort to share knowledge and research results with other groups by trained parties in working time events.

The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of "Transfer of Training" from two different perspectives. The first will examine the concept of "transfer" of meaning in learning in general, meaning that it is specific to the transfer of training and learning. The second will examine the evolution and possible future development of theoretical development of the transfer of training concepts as defined by research in the field.

In general, the results of training and input training factors are considered to have an effect back and forth on transfer conditions. This effect has an important process in understanding the transfer. In order for the sklll to be transferred, the training material must be studied and remembered constantly.



There is a research gap that needs to be addressed, namely the need to test the various operationalizations of the trianingd design an ffaktro environmental keray ang can affect the impact of the transfer. Further research is needed in conceptualizing and operationalizing the criteria for transfer training criteria.

Sometimes skills that have been learned well may not be able to be used in the job due to lack of motivation or lack of supervisory support. Finally, training outcomes (*i.e. learning and retention) can be directly influenced by the three training inputs of the training design, the characteristics of the trainees, and the characteristics of the work environment.



Training outcomes are defined as the amount of original learning that appears during the training program and the retention of that material after the program is completed. Input training factors include training design, trainer characteristics, and work environment characteristics.

The main training design factor is the incorporation of learning principles, sequencing of training materials, and the relevance of the work of the training content. The characteristics of traininers consist of abilities or skills, motivations and personality factors. The characteristics of the work environment include climatic factors such as supervisory support or peer support and also constraints and opportunities to carry out learned behaviors at work.

In general, trainees with high work involvement will be more motivated to learn and transfer skills to the work environment. Even managers who believe that the value of training are more interested in applying the skills they learn. Finally, high self-expectations will lead to higher training performance.

In addition, there is a relationship between motivation and successful training and composite criteria of training performance, using probability assessment / asesement probability, and sociometric measures of training familiarity with the trainer. Then, traine's perception of a program can affect learning motivation.

The characteristics of the work environment also influence, because managers who work in a pleasant organizational environment and have the ability to set goals and uportive environments will tend to be able to apply new knowledge to the work setting. Then, positive changes in human relationships after training can also be caused by organizational decisions such as salary and promotion which are reinforced by attitudes learned in training. In addition, the management style that includes discussions with the leadership also contributes to the skill trainspheric.

Further research directions

There are a number of gaps that need to be addressed. Especially with regard to training design, characteritic training, work environment, and issu criteria tranfer.

Training design

Retention is influenced by learning principles, identific elements, general principles of practice conditions and variability of the stimulus. Elements are identical. The point is to predict that transfers will be maximized if any stimulus is studied. One aspect of the similarity is at the level where the actual conditions of the training program match the work environment. The second aspect is the level at which participants obtain similar meanings in trining and organizational contexts.

However, the training industry does not provide specifications for the factors that make up the optimal level of physical and psychological research in its various programs. So it is necessary to understand the type of learning that has a major influence and the instructional events that will be given in order to have the most effective learning procedures, or operationalize the principle of that principle.


Stimulus variability.

Transfer will be minimized when there are various stimulus training used. that the transfer can be improved by developing various situations or by using various reinforced stimuli to avoid training problems. Variability in this case can play a role in strengthening understanding in the application of training to new situations and strengthening innovation and generalization of skills.

Operationalization of stimulus variability in organizational training programs is complex. For example, on developing models for behavioral modeling programs to build interpersonal skills for sales. Modeling can be shown to improve the cognitive apex of training, including attention to model displays, mental coding, and mental exercises.

There are three options for increasing stimulus variability in the traning component of behavioral modeling, namely character, situation & competency model. On character variability, various models of characteristics such as age, gender ,and organizational level can be used. The second directive is to distinguish the modeled situation. For example, if we model assertive communication, then we can indicate employees who are serving consumer demand for a product.

Characteristics of trainers

The characteristics of the trainer have an effect on the settting of the organization. The Interaksit approach can be used to test the fit between traine catastrophistictics and the design and content of trining programs. Empirical research shows that the need for achievement, locus control, and general intelligence can be the main factors in learning and skill transfer. However, it takes effort to understand the relationship between the traine arachritics and the design of the training program to be transferred.

Sometimes the selection of trainers is not an attractive option, because the placement of individuals into certain programs is considered not optimal which is influenced by the characteritics of the trainer. The problem of placement is often influenced by the instructional methodology ( for example, lectures, case studies, discussions) of certain types of training programs that are maintained for a long time in the company.

Environmental characteristics

The development of environmental characteristics is influenced by personalization such as climate and supervisory support at a certain level which facilitates the development of intervesy for ever-changing environmental characteristics. There are several environmental characteristics that facilitate or hinder the transfer of training, and often those environmental characteristics are viewed from the perspective of a certain level of analysis. That perspective will lead to differences in climate or support across working groups, and across organizations.

Supervisory support. Supervisor support also affects the transfer process. Employees who wait for information from the leadership will tend to be confined to the social environment of the organization. Employees who think that the training program is really important, will be motivated, want to follow, learn & transfer those skills to the work environment. While support support is essential, the behavior and behavior of those trained is often not directly influenced by supervisory support.

  Supervisor support can be in the form of encouragement to participate in certain activities, goal setting activities, reinforcement activities, and behavioral modeling. For example, a supervisor may not understand how training content can lead employees to attend training. In relation to goal setting, supervisors can discuss the content and benefits of the program and determine the goals to be achieved as a focus on achieving skills, and then set up an action plan to implement those skills into the training program. Reinforcement means the provision of support or rewards for using that new behavior. Supervisors can ensure that trainers have the opportunity to use the new skills in which they are trained.

Then, the supervisor can give compliments, better assignments & other extrinsic rewards for trinere who are able to use his new skills. The reinforcement process can run in reverse ; For example, supervisors who ignore the use of new skills or attack the use of new skills can hamper the new behavior. Finally, modeling can be a great force that influences behavior change. Employees tend to emulate supervisors who have power over them to achieve certain rewards. Then, the supervisor can behave in a certain manner that matches the purpose of the training in order to influence the transfer of skills.

The problem of the level of analysis. The influence of the work environment is considered great on the transfer of knowledge. The perception of supervisor support in individuals can be correlated with reports of the transfer of that skill to the job. Often reports about the completion of a training program are actually not enough to develop a knowledge base about the transfer process. In fact, this method is often problematic because it only focuses separately on the level of analysis.

There are often differences in the level of support of other climatic factors across working groups within an organization. Organizations and departments in them can be distinguished by goal orientation, time orientation, structure formality, and interpersonal orientation. For example, an organization's philosophy regarding its employees ( interpersonal orientation) can have an important impact on the transfer of skills from a human relations training program. This perceptive often occurs across different organizations. Likewise, from a level of group analysis, research and development departments with a long-term perspective may have interpsonal training programs that do not have objective payoof coming up immediately, whereas production departments are often under target time pressure that cannot support such programs.

As a result, organizations with extensive training programs will tend to confuse different trainings across departments, depending on the support or congruence of the training program with the philosophy or work climate of each department.


To test the generalization of certain skills or behaviors, there needs to be a clear identification of the knowledge, skills and behaviors that are expected to be transferred to the work environment. Then the systematic collection of the corresponding information can form the value of the carried out. Then it is also necessary to reassess the need for training as a form of redesign of the training program.

To obtain an appropriate measure of generalization, there needs to be a linkage relationship of the needs information – the appraiser, the specification of the training objectives, and the determination of the criteria that will be used to determine how much knowledge, skills and behaviors learned in the training will be transferred to real work.

 Once that knowledge, skills and behaviors are displayed on the job, then the next step is to determine that the team that will explain how we can expect the trainee to demonstrate these knowledge, skills, and behaviors in the workplace. Therefore, task analysis is needed to explain the level of importance and frequency of tasks performed at work. Task tasks that are influenced by behavior and training skills become observable. Other analytical techniques, such as the collection of critical events, can provide taxonomy of situations that use training skills or behaviors. The combination of the importance level of the task and the frequency of tasks and the taxonomy of that situation situation can be the basis of the baseline for determining how often a person expects that training behavior to be displayed in the workplace.

Maintenantce/ continuous care.

 Although generalizations relate to the length of time that skills and behaviors can be displayed in the trafer setting, maintenanance is concerned with the time during which those skills and behaviors can continue to be used in the workplace. The decrease in the use of skills in the workplace can result from the deterioration of the decrement of the skill. Or a decrease in use can result from a decrease in motivation to use the skill due to obstacles at work or lack of reward in using that skill.

Many researchers use the dynamic process in learning it as a learning curve,. The curve shows how well a particular skill is learned with speed and where it can acquire that skill. The type of tasks trained, the design of the training program, and the characteristics of the trainer have had a major impact on how quickly individuals reach performance levels that meet the standards.



The transfer of training must be generalized to the work and maintained in the working time. Karantekrtitk trainees and carantekrstiks of the work environment also have a lagnsung influence on transfers

The transfer of training is constantly getting a higher priority of research attention due to its facilitating core role in the new economy. While the general definition of training transfer remains more or less constant, types and applications have been expanded. Haskell (1998) identifies six transfer rates, "... non-specific.... application.... Contextual.... near.... far.... [and] creative transfer or transfer" (pp. 23-24). Given the difference in types, it becomes difficult to find one overall definition, and it is even difficult to operationalize and measure this construction.

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Human Resource Management (MSDM) is one of the instruments   The convergence of roles experienced by MSDM has occurred since year 2000s.  . relying on the role of MSDM as its fulcrum (Irianto, 2009).

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May 2, 2013 This research was conducted from 10 – 30 July 2009  FOKARI MANAGEMENT, journal Scientific Publications year 2012, by the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics  . Journal of Human Resource Management

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