Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

contoh translate

Dampak Kenaikan Harga Minyak terhadap Ekonomi Indonesia
Minyak merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam ekonomi negara dan menentukan kegiatan produksi nasional.  Peningkatan harga minyak terjadi antara lain kalau permintaan dan produksi dunia tidak seimbang. Peningkatan dalam harga minyak bisa berdampak luas pada kegiatan ekonomi negara melalui efek domino. Ia akan menyebabkan kenaikan harga karena biaya produksi yang bertambah tinggi sehingga akhirnya terjadi inflasi. Ini akan mengurangi daya beli yang akan mempengaruhi permintaan sehingga akhirnya pertumbuhan ekonomi akan menyusut. Waktu harga minyak meningkat pada bulan Oktober 2005, kelompok-kelompok tertentu, terutama yang berpendapatan rendah dan tetap, mengalami penurunan pendapatan. Sebelum kenaikan harga minyak ini, ada 35,19 juta orang miskin di Indonesia (22,7% dari penduduk). Waktu harga minyak naik tahun 2006, jumlah ini menjadi 39,05 juta (29,85%). Hal serupa terjadi di Sumatera Barat di mana sebelum harga minyak naik ada 1,005 juta orang miskin (15,97% dari penduduk). Tahun 2006, jumlah ini sudah mencapai 1,365 juta (19,85%).
Peningkatan dalam harga minyak sebesar 10% diperkirakan mengurangi kegiatan investasi kira-kira 0,14% dan impor 0.06%, sedangkan rupiah yang melemah mampu meningkatkan impor, tapi tidak signifikan, hanya 0,01%. Di Sumatera Barat, peningkatan harga minyak cenderung berdampak negative terhadap konsumsi dan investasi sementara inflasi naik. Ini bisa menyebabkan menurunnya pertumbuhan ekonomi di tingkat daerah maupun nasional. Penyusutan akan terjadi di semua sektor ekonomi, namun efeknya tergantung kepekaan setiap sektor terhadap peningkatan harga minyak. Karena itu kebijakan pemerintah untuk menaikkan harga minyak hendaklah memperkirakan semua faktor-faktor ekonomi dan setiap kebijakan menaikkan harga minyak harus diikuti kebijakan lain yang mampu mengurangi dampaknya pada masyarkat dan ekonomi negara.

The effects of oil price increases on the Indonesian economy 
Oil is one important factor in the economy of a country and determines the activities of national production. Increases in oil prices are caused by imbalance between demand and oil production of the world, among other things. An increase in oil price will have a broad impact on the economic activities of the state through a domino effect. The increase will lead to rising prices due to increased production costs and these price increases will lead to inflation. This will eventually reduce purchasing power which will affect demand for money which in turn will reduce economic growth When oil prices went up in October 2005, certain groups experienced decreasing income growth as well as loss of purchasing power, especially fixed and low income communities. Before this increase, there were 35.19 million poor people in Indonesia (22.7% of the population); after the price increase in 2006, this rose to 39.05 million (29.85 %). This occurred in West Sumatra as well where, prior to the increase in oil prices, there were 1.005 million poor people (15.97% of the population). By 2006, this had increased to 1.365 million (19.85%).
A 10% increase in oil prices is expected to reduce investment activity approximately 0.14% and imports around 0.06%, while the weakening of the rupiah has the potential to increase exports, although not significantly, by only 0.01%. In West Sumatra, an increase in oil prices tends to negatively influence levels of consumption and investment, while inflation tends to rise. This can lead to a decline in economic growth at both local and national levels. Contraction will occur in all sectors of the economy although the effects will be largely determined by the sensitivity of each sector to oil price increases. For this reason, government policies to raise the price of oil must take these economic factors into consideration, and any policy requiring oil price increases must be accompanied by other policies to minimize the impact on the society and the economy of the nation.

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